'Hi guys! Today on Storytime with Jing we\'re having tons of family fun with Food Coloring Experiments! In this experiment, we are going to turn ordinary milk into crazy rainbow color! Vincent and Max had a lot of fun watching the colors in the milk dance and I am sure you will love it too! Supplies Needed for the Magical Milk Science Experiment Milk (Must be either Whole or 2%) Food Coloring. The more colors the better Dish Soap Shallow Dish or Bowl #StemActivities #FunActivitiesForKids #ScienceActivities 家长们特别关心的美国儿童STEM教育,是如何开展的呢? 视频中展示的是寓教于乐的STEM活动。STEM涉及的学科和内容非常广阔,可谓无所不包。STEM是Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathmathics的缩写。 其实STEM没有你们想象的那么复杂,现在美国流行的教学方法都是将STEM融入到项目当中。项目的英文就是project。只要有一双发现的眼睛,生活中处处都有小科学。 从这个简单有趣的科学活动,培养儿童好奇心。只需要家里的一些简单的物件,绳子就可以开展活动了。在玩的过程中,学习重力,滑坡等重要的物理概念。科学嘛,首先要好玩儿,才能激发孩子更多的兴趣。 If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to my channel and learn Chinese the fun way! I post a new video every week. If you have any questions or comments, Email me at [email protected] The Entertainer by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/5765-the-entertainer License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/'
Tags: food coloring , homeschool , kindergarten activity , preschool activities , diy project , home education , Teacher Resources , science games for kids , science fair , STEM project , classroom resources , children's activities , food coloring experiment , Magic milk experiment , STEM lessons , STEM Activities , STEM Challenge , STEM ideas , Easy STEM Activities , STEM fair ideas , Engineering Activities for kids , STEM based learning , easy peasy homeschool , cool science games
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